viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010
Mudanza, me muevo de blog
Saludos, a mi pequeño grupo de seguidoras y a las personas que me visitaban de vez en cuando, les anuncio que me movi a un nuevo blog, pues he tenido varios problemas en este, aqui les dejo la direccion, para que se vuelvan a integrar . www. alli las veo!!!!
lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010
Problemas con el acceso a mis blogs, trouble with the access to my blogs
Hola, despues de estar varios dias indispuesta por la fibromialgia, encontre que una persona desconocida estuvo tratando de meterse a mi cuenta, lo logro y me bloquearon mis cuentas, para poder entrar es dificil y estoy en el preceso de restablecer el mismo, mientras aqui les dejo estas imagenes y estare al tanto de lo ultimo que han posteado. Bendiciones. Hello, After spending several days indisposed with fibromyalgia, I discovered an intruder who gains access to my accounts, and these were blocked, are currently blocked, I need to pass a slow process to regain access, I'm trying restableser entry, here I share these images, blessings.
miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010
Unas Palabras para ti
few words to you on behalf of jesus
The Real beauty in you is a work of art shaped by my hands. I have given beautiful lips to utter words of life, beautiful eyes that i see in everything, beautiful hands to help those in need and a pretty face to reflect my love of the word. You do not see it as i see, because you compare yourself with the idols of beauty that will soon fall into oblivion, do wonders to make your beauty will radiate from within and when you have completed my work, let them see your characters skills my art and your beauty brands will be remembered by all who were loved by you. Att Jesus Christ
jueves, 22 de julio de 2010
Un nido mas ...
miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010
work in progress...
jueves, 15 de julio de 2010
Hello, Today I tell them I have been doing many things in mud. visit my other blog to see some work that I have, I can tell that this "work" is done with an old Cavete or what's left of it that I found on the beach awhile ago. We put some different things and the birds are so cute and Gual! He made alchemy! Perhaps for many may have no value or beauty, but I think you have to enjoy life to the fullest, and the real is in the simple things. Today I want to share a thought "the wisest person trusts the process. Without trying to control takes everything as presented. Poeer not live to achieve but simply to be all be in harmony with life." Do not know who is the author, but it's a beautiful thought.
Hola , Esta carterita la he hecho junto con varias cositas en crema y sephia. Me encantan esos colores para decorar. Les cuento que hace un tiempo fui a la playa y siempre estoy en busca de cosas que las olas del mar van puliendo o desgastando, esa "obra de arte"( ja, ja, ja, ja , ) es hecha con una gaveta vieja ! me parece unica y exclusiva, Puesta en un sitio ideal es como una obra de las que encontramos en las galerias no creen? ( es broma).Pero hablando mas seriamente yo la exsibo en mi hogar. asi son las antiguedades, nos cuentan una historia, me parecio muy primaveral adornarla de esos colores , aunque aqui en el caribe todo el año es verano, apenas podemos sentir el cambio de estaciones, solo los cambios climatologicos se diferencian logicamente.
jueves, 8 de julio de 2010
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