Visita mi otro blog

Visita mi blogs donde expongo ciertos trabajos manuales. Desde hacen 17 años he realizado trabajos en barro y ceramica, y diversos medios mixtos. only with my hand

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

few words to you on behalf of jesus

The Real beauty in you is a work of art shaped by my hands. I have given beautiful lips to utter words of life, beautiful eyes that i see in everything, beautiful hands to help those in need and a pretty face to reflect my love of the word. You do not see it as i see, because you compare yourself with the idols of beauty that will soon fall into oblivion, do wonders to make your beauty will radiate from within and when you have completed my work, let them see your characters skills my art and your beauty brands will be remembered by all who were loved by you. Att Jesus Christ
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3 comentarios:

Barbara Jean dijo...

Rose Marie,
This is a beautiful post, as is the comment you left on my post about my sweet fella saving the little bird was.
I would love your permission to share that comment with others on my blog.
I will not post it till i hear back from you.

I think, by reading this one post, I'm gong to love your blog. Very encouraging.

blessings new friend

barbara jean

Barbara Jean dijo...

PS Thank you so much for having it in English too. =)


Barbara Jean dijo...

Hi girl Me again. I just posted about your blog, and sweet incite into my birdy post.


barbara jean