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jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Hello Marieta will answer used the traslator

Hello Marietta, so sorry for your illnes , but Pray to God ! Is working!!! Dont loose your faith is only thing you have.God is real and good! well, than sorry with what i like the flowers, being an island tropical , puertorico is grown rather limited solent certain species of roses or flowers, i think hes grown up in cool places. are imported and sometimes i bought the natural decorating for home. other country have the cold weather by ssing of the growing and extensive variety of flowers, do some years , i was visiting my uncle in U. E. in Ohio and was wonders and suprised i see tulip and roses in variety in his front garden of the house. I buy in the time with the flowers imported. I loved the roses and all kind of flowers, just look very romantic. Bring me a peace.

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