Visita mi otro blog

Visita mi blogs donde expongo ciertos trabajos manuales. Desde hacen 17 años he realizado trabajos en barro y ceramica, y diversos medios mixtos. only with my hand

jueves, 15 de julio de 2010


Hello, Today I tell them I have been doing many things in mud. visit my other blog to see some work that I have, I can tell that this "work" is done with an old Cavete or what's left of it that I found on the beach awhile ago. We put some different things and the birds are so cute and Gual! He made alchemy! Perhaps for many may have no value or beauty, but I think you have to enjoy life to the fullest, and the real is in the simple things. Today I want to share a thought "the wisest person trusts the process. Without trying to control takes everything as presented. Poeer not live to achieve but simply to be all be in harmony with life." Do not know who is the author, but it's a beautiful thought.

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